Country Christmas Wreaths Then Why Can't We Have Christmas Trees?

Then why can't we have Christmas trees? - country christmas wreaths

Just one question, whether "Christmas" offensive, and received 30 responses to "say no". Why can not we have a Christmas contest, Christmas trees, Christmas decorations, wreaths, Christmas, etc. Why do we need for Christ and for the holidays, when 90% of the country celebrating Christmas bring?

And for those liberals who were so shocked that I suggested that they were the ones against "Christmas" that you believe this country has been pushed in the opposite direction to Christmas? And if you do not believe that this country has been pushed in a direction was for Christmas, please tell me when was the last time, saw a Christmas parade.


eminembo... said...

I agree. I believe that everyone who is nothing that Christmas should not be absent from work offended, because they have time to be devoted to Christmas.

grandma said...

Somewhere along the way people have forgotten that we live in a democratic society. The rule of the masses, some of today as the standard. Who has the biggest mouth stopped first. He does not speak of the masses in the name of all. Like sheep that fit them.

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