Orange County Ovarian Cancer Survivor Where Are Some Animal Shelters In Orange County Where A 12 Year Old Can Volunteer?

Where are some animal shelters in Orange County where a 12 year old can volunteer? - orange county ovarian cancer survivor

I love animals such as dogs and cats have many different animal shelters in Orange County, California, asked if I can, if accompanied by a parent volunteer. Do you know of any shelters that 12 years is there voluntarily provide? Thank you!


Jayne says READ MORE BOOKS said...

People in shelters in Orange County, Humane Society, ASPCA, associations, rescue dogs and other animals take priority to more information than the people on Yahoo Answers, so that every call right now. You can find them in the yellow pages and Google searches.

bainaash... said...

Virtually no place in the country to allow young people under 18, unless they volunteer to be part of a group activity such as Scouts or a church group or something. It is talking mainly a responsibility to be honest, most people your age are not so mature, but are probably (because you look so dedicated to first) and the agencies are afraid of you stayed and the defendant's injuries . Maybe you can create a group of persons, a project at a shelter. Another thing to try, maybe a veterinarian's office? You can talk to a veterinarian, one after another, and ask if you can do as an intern or something. It could even find someone from your school who can help you to a place, and that organizations are more likely to accept that when you come to a school or other organization like a church or scouts.

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