Food Packaging Materials Why Is Styrofoam Still Used As Cups Or Food Packaging Materials?

Why is styrofoam still used as cups or food packaging materials? - food packaging materials

Polystyrene, a trading name of EPS (expanded polystyrene) Benzene is a substance that causes cancer. But why is it still prevalent? Although recycling is not commercial, because of its ease, 98% air, then tried a major pollutant. However, this production, which is also important that the "bubble" is actually with (chlorofluorocarbons CFCs transformed) before a major destroyer of the ozone layer, which supposedly replaced by the company (hydrocholorofluorocarbons HCFCs) 95% less destructive, but it is a destroyer of the ozone layer.
Is there an ozone filter is not damaged harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun, which sources.What to skin cancer, cataracts and blindness due to reduced UV-damaged crops and other bio-diversity of life and food do we do? Viewed Triump only b / c of the inactivity of the property.


Aref H4 said...

It is a serious matter, requires the relevant government agencies like the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Education (DECS), Department of Justice to be addressed.

DENR could also consider the companies in the manufacturing of products that you mentioned are involved, and withdrawn when certain harmful to the environment, coordinating with local governments to make the licenses.

DECS could be launched a campaign to launch our youth the dangers of these products on the environment, and in their homes, to learn, not to sponsor products.

The Justice Department would vigorously against the perpetrators who pollute the nature, except to defend under existing laws, by other coaches that I'm sure they have. For according to the law, not a cure for all the wrong and injustice in the country to make these products.

And I start, my dear king, in the country and advise the clans under my direction, starting with a ban on these products.

Mimi-מימי- ميمي said...

Because we only want to sell and make money no matter what the outcome will be.

ohioan_f... said...

I do not know. Styofoams often here in the United States. Perhaps the government, corrupt as the answering machine, they first said?

ohioan_f... said...

I do not know. Styofoams often here in the United States. Perhaps the government, corrupt as the answering machine, they first said?

ohioan_f... said...

I do not know. Styofoams often here in the United States. Perhaps the government, corrupt as the answering machine, they first said?

Ray H said...

The cheap.

Ray H said...

The cheap.

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